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Cory Booker at CNN town hall: 'Nuclear is huge'
Everything that Andrew Yang and Cory Booker said about nuclear power at the CNN Climate Town Hall
Cory Booker's Blatant Religious Hypocrisy CNN Town Hall Debate
Cory Booker on nuclear weapons (May 2019)
Sen. Cory Booker on Environmental Justice, Nuclear Power & “Savage Racial Disparities” in the U.S.
Booker Town Hall Attendee Mocks CNN Town Halls: 'It's All Fake'
Cory Booker Town Hall Questions Way Softer Than Bernie & Tulsi's
Senator Cory Booker on his Debate Performance on New Day | Second Democratic Debate
Cory Booker holds townhall
Sen. Cory Booker at the Advanced Nuclear Summit
United States Senator Cory Booker Joins Virtual NJ Red Cross Town Hall Meeting
Senator Cory Booker Stands Up for Workers | Fourth Democratic Debate